Hey, hey, hey, how is it going in Sulphur?
Um.....I don't want you to contact his mother, Mother. That is weird. I want you to ask 10 returned missionaries, male, and if you get 6 to say that it is not weird then you can proceed with contacting his parents, but if only 5 or less say it is ok. Then no, you can't do it haha sorry. Ms. Gwen can be one of those RMS.
Yeah, I am District Leader. It sucks. haha (mother will be mad for that word hahahha )
Yeah, at night we had the time to play games and it was not against the rules, but this week we had a leadership meeting down in Vegas. They had the missionary department come to the mission. When they came there was all kind of crazy stuff they changed. How the mission runs, basically, and added to some rules. One of those rules is that we are now not allowed to play card or board games at all anymore.....not even on p-day. So, it is really weird to see how the mission is changing, but it will be for the best. The biggest changes in the mission won't effect me because I am out of Vegas. It was mostly effecting the people in the Las Vegas Valley and I have never served there before, so it is kinda weird. But, yeah, so that is the big news for the week.
For this weekend we are planning on going to conference, but we shall see what happens because we still have a lot of work to do on Saturday. We were able to find 5 new investigators this week and maybe a few more so I hope by the end of this week this area will be where it should be. We are really working with the ward and are seeing the blessings of that. So, I hope they come to work out and we can see some baptisms this transfer and a lot next transfer........so we shall see. We used a new finding method that we were taught this week. On Saturday we found 3 new investigators. What you do is you offer to leave a blessing on the home of someone that you meet and explain that you are a representative of Jesus Christ and you have been sent to the area to bless them. Then you go into the house and give the blessing and ask for there names and their needs. In the blessing you leave the blessing for the things that they need. Well, in this house we went in and they had a young child with a 104 temp and we asked if we could give him a blessing. The mother said no, but I felt I should ask again so I did and she said that it would be ok. As we gave this blessing there was a strong, strong spirit. We blessed him that he would be made whole and continue to gain strength. When we were done the father was crying and so was the mom. By the time we left that house the young son was running around and had no temp anymore. It was amazing and now we will go back next Saturday and teach them. The Priesthood has real power to heal.
Yeah, I got your email about Bednar. That is really cool. It will give us all a chance to be tested and to grow.
It has been a good week. We started going to the gym every morning at 6.
Well, I love y'all and hope y'all are doing good.