Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Leaving the MTC for Vegas, August 16, 2011

This morning around 9:00 AM Central time Taylor called from the airport in SLC just prior to getting on the plane for a 36 minute flight to Las Vegas. I was so happy to hear his voice. He is very happy and can't say enough good about it all. He said that the food was so-so, but very anticipated throughout the day. He lost the 4 pounds he said he gained in the first 4 days! He wanted to know about Logan (his friend from high school who had a church tour on Sunday). He is super excited to share the gospel with Logan.

He said church was great in the MTC, but very different. His Branch President while there was a man over all the Institutes of Religion in all of the world for the church. How cool is that? He said Sunday's were very spiritual.

Taylor couldn't talk long because the other Elders needed to use the phone. I so wanted to be selfish and say that was their problem, but I knew how hurt I would be if Taylor didn't have time to call.......so.......I let my baby get off the phone, knowing that I won't be able to talk to him until December 25! That was not easy! I had to make sure he was happy, and when I was satisfied he was I got off the phone.

Alex had been on a 3-way with us and so after Taylor hung up we were still connected and after hearing me cry for a few moments he quietly said....."Mama, are you ok?" What sweet boys I have. I sure do love them.

So, my missionary is somewhere in Las Vegas, Nevada tonight, being loved and supported by his mission president and the mission president's wife. I know they will take excellent care of him. I am so thankful for them and the Lord for watching over my sweet baby.

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